Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

Assignment 3

Joey 1

Flooded evenly in light

Lightsource positioned behind subject
1 large silver reflector on each side of face in a harizontal v-shape

Laws at work:
'Light travels in straight light' would leave the face in dark as the light is positioned behind the subjects head.
'Angle of incident equals angle of reflection' reflects the source light onto both sides of the face.
The diffusior effect of the reflector creates soft shadow edges.
The catch lights in the eyes are specular highlights.

 Joey 2

Moody, classical rambrandt light

Lightsource positioned to the left and slightly higher then subject to get the angle nessessary to create rembrandt lighting.
Diffusor positioned between light source and subject.
Mirror to the left and behind the subject.

Laws at work:
'Light travels in straight light' would leave most of the right side of the face in dark.
'Angle of incident equals angle of reflection' reflects the source light that hits the mirror back to create the edge light on the neck and ear.
The diffusior effect of the reflector creates soft shadow edges.
The catch lights in the eyes are specular highlights.

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